Sunday, October 24, 2010


lmuwan famous al-Ghazali once said, learn anatomy in depth, people will know the function of organs and structures throughout the body. Al-Ghazali's speech is like to be the first step Muslim scientists studying the anatomy of the body, or many people call it also as anatomy.

Interest in this field will grow rapidly to reincarnate as a specialist in Muslim medicine. Through The Revival of the Religious Science, alGhazali not only unravel the intricacies of medical aspects. He also explained that there had been many centuries of Muslim physicians mastered the knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

Includes links to both the science of surgery. Al-Ghazali explained, without knowing the anatomical structure, difficult to perform surgical operations. During this time, he was known as someone who mastered a variety of disciplines. In the field of surgery and anatomy, his expertise is respected.

He formulated his own philosophy about it. For him, surgery should be able to restore the anatomy or the function of damaged organs. This idea seems to be the next menginsipirasi medical practitioners after his time. Anatomy captivate the hearts of the Muslim doctor. Evidently a lot of participating to explore the anatomy.

They write the scientific literature that is so precious, and mark it with nicks golden era in track history of medicine in the Islamic world. After that, came to the surface alZahrawi name. His ability to be aligned with al-Ghazali. Because, alZahrawi also recognized by many as an expert.

Doctor of Andalusia in the tenth century that the full name Abu Qasim al-Zahrawi has a lot of brilliant ideas. For example, he is the originator of the science of disease diagnosis through the healing ear. He pioneered the surgery in order to restore hearing ear surgery patients.

Knowledge of anatomy he relied in the operation. Al-Zahrawi noticed subtle anatomy of nerves, blood vessels, and muscle. Any knowledge that he mastered it and then he outlined in his book, At Tashrif li Man Arjaza at Ta'lif (Handbook of Medicine).

Anatomy of the body is one of the topics contained in his book. Also in the field who made his name famous in the world of medicine, the surgery, and surgical tools. In fact, many models of surgical instruments that he created are still used in modern medicine.

Book Al-Kafi fi al-fi at-Tibb Kuhl written Abi Mahasin also influential in the study of anatomy, especially in the anatomy of the eye. Books of the 13th century that presents a description of eye surgery, including some parts of the organ of the eye that require attention.

Scientists are also important to devote attention to anatomy is Ibn Nafis (1210-1288). In the introductory chapter of his famous book, Syarhu Tasyrih Ibn Sina (Commentary on Anatomy of Ibn Sina), he explains that this book is a guide for physicians can master the basic knowledge of anatomy.

He also commented on the Canon of Medicine of Ibn Sina, especially regarding the work of the heart. He said the heart has two chambers. Blood from the right ventricle must flow to the left, but no one connects the two parts of this.
According to him, there's no hidden pores in the heart, such as Galen said.

Overall, he considered the function of this organ is very important in regulating blood circulation throughout the body. History recorded it as the first person to describe the blood circulation, especially the capillaries. On the other hand, reveals the anatomy of Ibn Nafis and the pulmonary circulation.

According to Edward Coppola in the William Osler Medal Essay, Ibn Nafis view that there are a number of sections in the lung, including bronchial, arteria venosa, and venous arteriosa. The three parts are connected by a network of meat hollow. Ibn Nafis managed to clarify the differences in each of the organs.

Such knowledge is needed before surgery. Centuries later, the intellectual heritage of Ibn Nafis in the investigation of the anatomy of an impact on many Western scientists, that Valverde and Realdo Colombo. Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi also recorded an important contribution.

He corrected the structure of the jaw bone anatomy made a doctor from the Greek, Galen. Related writings that paved the way for the study of the bones in Egypt. Admittedly, the most remarkable achievement occurred after the presence of the work of Mansour ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf ibn Ilyas.

People of Persian origin of this is the first Muslim doctor who makes drawings of human anatomy with accuracy. Wonderful legacy that the next period is called "Anatomy of Mansour." His work that he dedicated to the ruler of the Mongols, Tamerlane, who controlled Fars during the period 797-811.

Complete discussion of the five organs, namely bone, nerve, muscle, blood vessels, and arteries, there is in the works he wrote. Each section is illustrated through a pictorial diagram. Including how to connect with the two main organs: the heart and brain.

There is also a chapter on fetal formation is described through the illustration image pregnant women. Treatise entitled Tashrih i i Insan body was written in Persian and has been translated into several languages since the 15th century. The overall anatomical illustration of al-Mansour covers approximately 70 sections.

Meanwhile, Ibn Zuhr or Avenzoar, after mastering the field of anatomy, post-mortem postmortem pioneering work in the Islamic world. Sequentially, in the book Taysier wa fi al-Mudawat atTabdis (Practical Manual of Treatment and Diets), he describes the anatomy of the head to toe.

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